Brownborne Mangagement Company


The Brownborne Estate with its 70 houses is part of the overall Park Hill development and one of the better maintained both in terms of the architectural and visual integrity mainly because of a strict adherence to the estate covenants defined in a Scheme of Management.

The Scheme, which was approved in the High Court of Justice in 1973 under the provisions of Section 19 of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, defines the Covenants and Conditions applying to the estate and is registered as a Local Land Charge under the Provisions of the Local Land Charges Act 1925 against all the properties on the estate.

Each householder is a shareholder in Brownborne Management Company Ltd a private company with a board of volunteer resident directors formed to own and manage all the common grounds and ensure compliance by householders with the covenants. 

A plain english guide to the estate’s covenants is available to download below. It should be emphasised this is only a guide and the full content of the covenants included in the Scheme of Management should always be consulted.